Integrating Supply Chain with Technology to Help SMEs to Obtain Inclusive Financial Services

Maximum Limit:Funding up to 100% of the Contract Amount

Minimum Financing Interest Rate:Interest Rates as low as 5% Annualized

Fastest Loan Disbursement:T+0
Service Offering

Easy Application
·No Guarantee or Collateral Required ·Fully Online Process

High Financing Amount
Financing Ratio up to 100% of the Contract Amount

Fast Fund Disbursement
T+0 Settlement

Low Interest Rate
Interest Rate as low as 5%

More Flexibility
Flexible Repayment Options

Rich Product Portfolios
Covering the Entire Supply Chain Settlement Cycle
Customer Case Studies
Inclusive Funding Partners
Technology Empowerment
Leveraging its years of industry expertise and Fintech innovation capabilities, SY Cloud Platform brings core enterprises, small and medium-sized suppliers in the supply chain ecosystem as well as financial institutions together on a single platform. It facilitates the financing of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and enhances their supply chain management capabilities by turning data generated from the industry ecosystem into credit scores. Meanwhile, the platform also empowers financial institutions through its advanced risk management technologies backed by big data. This platform has improved the industry's overall supply chain management capabilities, driving supply chain efficiency and making finance more inclusive.
Technology Driven

Technology Highlights

R&D national invention patents

OCR Identification Accuracy Rate

Account Checks on Zhongdengwang.org.cn

Public Opinion Data Points Monitored

Business Contract Checked
Technological Capabilities



Video Inspection of Goods on Delivery

Public Opinion Monitoring

Big Data Analysis

Smart Zhongdeng

Automated Credit Approval for Customer Acquisition

Facial Recognition

Automated Pricing Model

Account Supervision

The highest certification for information security
Industry-leading technology
Strong scientific research capabilities